1960 Unfinished Oliver Cromwell Portrait by Samuel Cooper courtesy of Wikipedia

I’m not your everyday average artist. I have my own unique artistic style that really differentiates me from other artist. Sometimes I consider myself an amateur artist because I tend to always leave my art work unfinished. Usually I’d end up starting to draw something and then end up not finishing it. I’m not saying that I leave all of my artwork unfinished because I don’t. When it comes to my art pieces I put a lot of time and effort into each and every single one of them. Samuel Cooper, 16th-century artist, is another artist who left one his well-known art pieces unfinished. One of Cooper’s unfinished works of art is the portrait of Oliver Cromwell.

Being an artist is not always an easy task. When it comes to me, I’m all about perfection. If a line doesn’t look perfect to me, I will erase it and keep redrawing it until it’s perfect.

There are a lot of great talented artist out there with their own unique style but none like Claude Monet. Monet was considered to be the man who revolutionized painting in French. He paints a lot of vertical landscape paintings. I really like a lot of his art pieces especially The Manneporte near Etretat painting. In painting as well as his others art pieces he really captures the essence of what he is drawing. Majority of his oil paintings he tries to make them pleasant for the eyes. Another one of his paintings that I consider one of my favorites is his piece, San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk. I really like this piece because of the mixture of colors he uses. He really grabs the essences of what a sunset looks like. If I could create a piece like this I’d proud of myself. Making a pieces like this is no easy task; making artwork like this takes a lot of time and patience. Seeing another artist’s work, really triggers me to try to create something that I never thought I could.

19th-Century San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk Monet painting by Claude Monet courtesy of Wikipedia

There are a lot of great talent artist out there with their own unique style but none like Claude Monet. Monet was considered to be the man who revolutionized painting in French. He paints a lot of vertical landscape paintings. I really like a lot of his art pieces especially The Manneporte near Etretat painting. In painting as well as his others art pieces he really captures the essence of what he is drawing. Majority of his oil paintings he tries to make them pleasant for the eyes. Another one of his paintings that I consider one of my favorites is his oil piece, San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk. If you have ever seen the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy, you’d know that it’s a magnificent place. I wouldn’t taking a trip to explore the island. On the island there’s an church called the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. I really like this piece because of the mixture of colors he uses to represent dusk. He really grabs the essences of what a sunset looks like. If I could create a piece like this I’d proud of myself. Making pieces like this is no easy task; making artwork like this takes a lot of time and patience. Seeing another artist’s work, really triggers me to try to create something that I never thought I could.

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